Business Listings
Post Service Officer
Ladies Auxiliary
Post Authors I
Post Authors II
Post Authors III

2024   Events are subject to change.   

1 January 2024, New Year's Day.​
​17 January 2024, Post EXCOM Meeting - 6:30 PM. Wednesday. Heritage Hunt Marsh Mansion Living Room.
27 January 2024, Post General Membership Meeting - 10:00 AM, Saturday, Heritage Hunt Clubhouse Mountain View Room.​
27 January 2024, The Virginia Grand Military Band concert at 2:30, Schlessinger Hall, 4915 E. Campus Dr., Alexandria.  Be at concert hall at 1:45 to assist handicapped guests.  POC: Jeff Arwood and Rob Brock.

3 February 2024, (1943)  Four Army Chaplains perished saving others when SS Dorchester torpedoed.  Service at Post 294, Middleburg, VA with District Chaplain leading.  POC: Carlos Collat.
17 February 2024, District 16 Spring Conference, Post 294, Middleburg, VA.  Time 10:00AM - Noon. POC: Carlos Collat.
21 February 2024, Post EXCOM Meeting - 6:30 PM. Wednesday. Heritage Hunt Marsh Mansion Living Room.
14 February 2024, Valentine's Day.
24 February 2024, Post General Membership Meeting - 10:00 AM, Saturday, Heritage Hunt Club House Mountain View Room.​

9 March 2024, Virginia Grand Military Band Concert, 2:00 PM for ushers, Saturday, Schlesinger Concert Hall. POC: Jeff Arwood, [email protected]
15-17 March 2024,  American Expeditionary Force members convene in Paris for the first American Legion caucus. (1919)
19 March 2024, (2003) Iraq War begins.
20 March 2024, Post EXCOM Meeting - 6:30 PM, Wednesday.  Heritage Hunt Marsh Mansion Living Room.
23 March 2024, Post General Membership Meeting - 10:00 AM, Saturday, Heritage Hunt Club House Mountain View Room
25 March 2024, National Medal of Honor Day.
29 March 2024, National Vietnam War Veterans Day.

1 April 2024, Battle of Okinawa Begins - 1945
3 April 2024, Arlington National Cemetery for Henry "Rocky" Colavita.  1 PM start at Admin Building.  Carpool departs Heritage Hunt Clubhouse parking lot at 10:50am.
6 April 2024, Anniversary of America entering WW1 - 2017
9 April 2024, National Former POW Recognition Day
9 April 2024, Bataan Death March begins - 1942
9 April 2024, General Lee surrenders at Appomattox - 1865
17 April 2024, Post EXCOM Meeting - 6:30 PM, Wednesday.  Heritage Hunt Marsh Mansion, Living Room.
18 April 2024, Doolittle Raid on Tokyo - 1942
19 April 2024, Battles of Lexington & Concord (1775)
20 April 2024, Post 1799 Blood Drive at Evergreen Firehouse.  
25 April 2024, American Legion Awards at Battlefield High School for JROTC Cadets at 6:30 PM.
27 April 2024, Post General Membership Meeting - 10:00 AM, Saturday, Giuseppe's Restaurant, Haymarket. Donuts & Coffee at 9:00 AM
27 April 2024, Honor Flight,  Veterans of WWII/Korea/Vietnam should call 540-692-9197. POC: Kevin "Flash" Garcia.
29 April 2024, US Forces invade Cambodia - 1970

1 May 2024, "Be The One" Day & PW Vet Treatment Docket at Manassas.  POC: Carlos & Jay Little
3 May 2024, Early Voting begins at Haymarket/Gainesville Library.  POC:  Lee Chambers.
8 May 2024, 78th Anniversary of V-E Day (1945)
10 May 2024, Military Spouse Appreciation Day.
12 May 2024, Mothers' Day 
14 May 2024, Army Ordnance Corps Established (1812)
15 May 2024, Post EXCOM Meeting - 6:30 PM, Wednesday.  Heritage Hunt Marsh Mansion, Living Room
18 May 2024, American Legion District 16 Conference at Post 28 Triangle, VA.
18 May 2024, Post 1799 Fundraising at Haymarket Giant & Cabela's.  POC: Carlos Collat.
18 May 2024, Army Medical Service Corps Established (1812) 
20 May 2024, Armed Forces Day.  Regency at 8:00 AM. POC: Don Blake.
24 May 2024, National Poppy Day. 
25 May 2024, Post General Membership Meeting - 10:00 AM, Saturday, Giuseppe's Restaurant, Haymarket. Donuts & Coffee at 9:00 AM. Post Elections!
25 May 2024, Virginia Grand Military Band Concert.  2:00 PM for ushers, Saturday, Schlesinger Concert Hall.  POC:  Rob Brook & Jeff Atwood.
27 May 2024, Memorial Day.  Regency at 9:00 AM, Post 10 BBQ t 11:00 AM.
28 May 2024, Post 1799 Spring Family Banquet, 4-6:00 PM.

June 2024, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Awareness Month, Dept of Veterans Affair. 
1 June 2024, Battle of Bunker Hill (1776)
1 June 2024, Fundraisers at Cabelas, Walmart, and Dominion Valley Giant.  POC: Carlos Collat.
1 June 2024, "Be the One Day"
6 June 2024, 80th Anniversary of D-Day (1944) 
9 June 2024, US defeats Japanese Imperial Navy at Battle of Midway (1942)
12 June 2024, Women Veterans Recognition Day (2018)
14 June 2024, Flag Day.
14 June 2024, US Army Birthday. (1775)
19 June 2024, Post EXCOM Meeting - 6:30 PM, Wednesday, Heritage Hunt Marsh Mansion, Living Room.
21 June 2024, Battle of Okinawa ends (1945)
24 June 2024, Berlin Airlift begins (1948)
25 June 2024, Battle of the Little Big Horn (1876)
25 June 2024, Start of the Korean War (1950)
29 June 2024, Post General Membership Meeting - 10:00 AM, Saturday. Giuseppe's Restaurant, Haymarket. Donuts & Coffee at 9:00 AM.

​4 July 2024, Independence Day.
16 July 2024, World's first atomic bomb successfully tested in New Mexico, (1945)
17 July 2024, Post EXCOM Meeting - 6:30 PM, Wednesday, Heritage Hunt Hunt Golf & Country Club, Board Room.
20 July 2024, 5th Annual Vettes For Vets, 10AM-2PM, Willing Warriors Retreat, 16013 Waterfall Road, Haymarket. [email protected] 
Contact Chuck Berge for any questions; 703-629-0206.
26 July 2024, 1948 Executive Order 9981 end segregation in the US Armed Forces.
27 July 2024, Korean War Veterans Armistice Day (1953)
27 July 2024, Post General Membership Meeting & Installation of Officers - 10:00 AM, Saturday, Giuseppe's Restaurant, Haymarket. Donuts & Coffee at 9:00 AM.
29 July 2024, Army Chaplain Corps Anniversary.

2 & 4 August 2024, Gulf of Tonkin Incidents in Vietnam (1964)
4 August 2024, US Coast Guard Birthday (1790)
6 August 2024, Atomic Bomb dropped on Hiroshima (1945)
7 August 2024, Purple Heart Day (1782)
7 August 2024, Operation Desert Shield (1990)
9 August 2024, Atomic Bomb dropped on Nagasaki (1945)
14 August 2024, Navajo Code Talkers Day.
15 August 2024, V-J Day: Japan accepts unconditional surrender terms (1945)
20 August 2024, American Civil War officially declared over (1866) 
21 August 2024, Post EXCOM Meeting - 6:30 PM, Wednesday, Heritage Hunt Club House, Craft Room (downstairs).
24 August 2024, Post General Membership Meeting - 10:00 AM, Saturday,  Giuseppe's Restaurant, Haymarket. Donuts & Coffee at 9:00 AM.
29 August 2024,  Marine Forces Reserve Birthday
30 August 2024, Last US military aircraft departs Afghanistan. (2021)

2 September 2024, 79th Anniversary of V-J Day (1945)
2 September 2024, Labor Day
7 September 2024, Stars & Stripes Honor Flight at Dulles, 9:15 & 10:15 flight arrivals.  Register at
Contact 2ndVC Kevin "Flash" Garcia for details at 703-725-1716.  
11 September 2024, National Patriots Day is 23st Anniversary of 9-11.
14 September 2024, Post Fund-raising at Walmart (0900-1500) and Dominion Valley Giant (1000-1300).   POC: Carlos Collat. 
16 September 2024, Congress charters The American Legion (1919)
17 September 2024, Constitution Day since 1787.  (Congress-declared one-week event)
17 September 2024, American Legion Post 1799 chartered in 2005. 
18 September 2024, US Air Force Birthday (1947) 
18 September 2024, Post EXCOM Meeting - 6:30 PM, Wednesday, Heritage Hunt Club House, Craft Room (downstairs).
20 September 2024, National POW/MIA Recognition Day (1979)
25 September 2024, Yom Kippur.
28 September 2024, Post General Membership Meeting - CANCELLED by Post Commander on 4 September 2024.
29 September 2024, Gold Star Mother's Day (1936)

3 October 2024, Post Visit to Willing Warrior Retreat following IHOP breakfast meeting.
13 October 2024, 249th Anniversary of US Navy Birthday (1775)
13 October 2024, Expanded Early Voting starts.  Get to the polls!
16 October 2024, Post EXCOM Meeting - 6:30 PM, Wednesday, Heritage Hunt Club House, Craft Room (downstairs).
19 October 2024, Haymarket Day & Parade. Muster "in place" by 9:30 AM. Event hours are 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
19 October 2024, Haymarket/Gainesville Community Blood Drive with Post 1799 sponsorship, 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM. POC  Rich Bohmer, [email protected]
21-25 October 2024, National Buddy Check Week. Reach out to ten veterans!
26 October 2024 - National Day of the Deployed
26 October 2024, Post General Membership Meeting - 10:00 AM, Saturday, Giuseppe's Restaurant, Haymarket. Donuts & Coffee at 9:00 AM.

Military Family Month
1-3 November 2024, American Legion Department of Virginia Fall Convention, POC Carlos Collat.
2 November 2024, Manassas Veterans Day Parade - 11:00 AM.  Assemble 9:30 AM at Prescott & Quarry, ( Carlos Collat is POC.
5 November 2024, General Election in Virginia!  Vote early!  Contact Post GOTV Chair, Lee Chambers, 571-302-0992.
8-24 November 2024, "Voices From Vietnam" play, Journey Theatre, 4157 Bludau Drive, Warrenton,
9 November 2024, Virginia Grand Military Band Concert, 2:00 PM for ushers, Saturday, Schlesinger Concert Hall, Alexandria, POC; Jeff Arwood, [email protected]
10 November 2024, 249th Anniversary of US Marine Corps Birthday (1775)
11 November 2024, Veterans Day
13 November 2024, Post EXCOM Meeting - 6:30 PM, Wednesday, Heritage Hunt Club House, Craft Room (downstairs).
16 November 2024, Post General Membership Meeting - 10:00 AM, Saturday, Giuseppe's Restaurant, Haymarket. Donuts & Coffee at 9:00 AM .
28 November 2024, Thanksgiving Day
7 December 2024, National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day (1941)
11 December 2024, Post EXCOM Meeting - 6:30 PM, Wednesday, Heritage Hunt Club House, Craft Room (downstairs).
13 December 2024, US National Guard Birthday (1636)
14 December 2024, Post General Membership Meeting - 10:00 AM, Saturday, Giuseppe's Restaurant, Haymarket. Donuts & Coffee at 9:00 AM. 
25 December 2024, Christmas.
28 December 2024, National Pledge of Allegiance Day.

EXCOM Meetings are held on 3rd Wednesday per month.  Heritage Hunt Marsh Mansion Living Room.
General Membership Meetings are held on 4th Saturday.  Giuseppe's Restaurant upstairs.

More music excitement in 2024!

​27 January 2024, Virginia Grand Military Band Concert, 2:00 PM for ushers, Saturday, Schlesinger Concert Hall. POC: Jeff Arwood, [email protected]

9 March 2024, Virginia Grand Military Band Concert, 2:00 PM for ushers, Saturday, Schlesinger Concert Hall. POC: Jeff Arwood, [email protected]

25 May 2024, Virginia Grand Military Band Concert, 2:00 PM for ushers, Saturday, Schlesinger Concert Hall. POC: Jeff Arwood, [email protected]

7 September 2024, Virginia Grand Military Band Concert, 2:00 PM for ushers, Saturday, Schlesinger Concert Hall. POC: Jeff Arwood, [email protected]

9 November 2024, Virginia Grand Military Band Concert, 2:00 PM for ushers, Saturday, Schlesinger Concert Hall. POC: Jeff Arwood, [email protected]

Exciting times in Post 1799 for 2024!  Stay tuned!
The American Legion 16th District website, including calendar of events can be reviewed at:
Post’s General Membership Meeting Venue (TBD) 

 Starting on 27 April 2024, Post 1799 General Membership Meetings will be located at Giuseppe's Restaurant, Haymarket.  Come at 9:00 AM for coffee & donuts with meeting starting at 10:00 AM.  Parking on site and across the street.
Post Executive Committee (EXCOM) Meeting Venue

​i.  Location  is at Heritage Hunt Club House, Craft Room (downstairs) .  

ii. Parking at HH Club House parking lot..

iii.  Open to entire Post membership.

iv.  3rd Wednesday of each month, unless modify by Post Commander typically due to holidays.
Veterans may desire to celebrate these informal events also:

Red Shirt Friday (RED - Remembering Everyone Deployed)
Wear a red shirt on Friday to show support of our service men and women.

EXCOM Meetings are held on 3rd Wednesday per month. Heritage Hunt Club House, Craft Room (downstairs).

General Membership Meetings are held on 4th Saturday.   Giuseppe's Restaurant, upstairs.

More music excitement in 2025!