Fellow Legionnaires,

Your Post asks you to make an effort to participate in public events and parades with Post members. We also ask you to join with your fellow Legionnaires in appearance.  Here are the details regarding attire.

Slacks(casual or dress slacks - khaki - not blue jeans)
Shirts: navy blue polo (casual collar & short-sleeve)
Cover: American Legion uniform cap (Post officers are required to wear AL uniform cap.)
Sweatshirt:  navy blue sweatshirt for cool weather

Please refer to the following websites to order American Legion shirts and caps: 

For the navy blue polo shirt, consider Tradition Polo shirt at:   

For the navy blue sweatshirt, consider Emblem Sweatshirt at:  https://emblem.legion.org/Sweatshirts/products/145/

For the American Legion uniform cap, go to: 

o Step One: select Virginia

o Step Two: select City. I recommend lined which is a choice at the lower part of the box.

o Step Three: select Regular for men and Women for the ladies.

o Step Four: select cap size. ( You can also call 888-453-4466.)

o Step Five: Type in HAYMARKET, VA

o Step Six: Type in 1799

o Go to the bottom and click, Submit

So . . can I talk with someone in the Post about ordering these items on line or from a catalog? 

· Legionnaire Bob Wyman, 703-298-2686

The bottom line is . . . participate with your fellow Legionnaires in . . . khaki pants, blue polo shirt, and a cover. We look pretty good at parade time, casual but we present a uniformed appearance.  The annual Haymarket Day Parade is in September and the Manassas Veterans Day Parade is in November.  Our general membership meetings at Giuseppe's Restaurant, Haymarket, are also uniform events.

Business Listings
Post Service Officer
Ladies Auxiliary
Post Authors I
Post Authors II
Post Authors III

So you need an American Legion Name Tag?  
