Post 1799 Officers for 2023-2024.  
  • Post Commander Carlos Collat
  • 1st VC Rob Brock
  • 2nd VC John Lyver
  • Adjutant Dennis Corrigan
  • Finance Officer Buddy Wagner
  • Judge Advocate Rollin Van Broekhoven
  • Historian Bill Parker
  • Chaplain Chuck Berge
  • Sergeant-At-Arms Don Norris
  • Post Service Officer Jay Little
  • Public Relations Officer Ray Bevacqua

Business Listings
Post Service Officer
Ladies Auxiliary
Post Authors I
Post Authors II
Post Authors III

Post Christmas Party - December 2017
Post 1799 in 4Nov17 Manassas Veterans Day Parade
16 December 2023 participation in the Wreaths Across America   We are participating in the Matching Funds Campaign.  Our Post leadership thanks all who donate time and funds!  POC is Legionnaire John Lyver,  [email protected]    Cell: (703) 585-3477.  Or Project Manager Art Ladenburg    [email protected]
Boys/Girls State Chair Report, February 2023. Post Chairman Irwin Lazar reported the high school applicants will be interviewed in March 2023.  Several Post members have stepped forward to perform as judges.  Interviews were via Zoom and live.  

The American Legion is honoring our Korean War Veterans in our community for their sacrifice in a dark time - when America called on them.
Post 1799 has presented five certificates and we are seeking more Korean War Veterans in our community.
Korean War Veteran Ron Sanders 18 Nov 2021
On 23 March 2021, the American Legion presented $10,000 to the Willing Warriors Retreat, Haymarket, thanks to Post 1799 Liaison Thomas Henning.  This is the third such American Legion award to the Retreat, all thanks to the efforts of Legionnaire Thomas Henning.  We are grateful to Tom Henning for his sustained outstanding performance.
WAA 2023-24 Order Form for downloading
            American Legion Post 1799's              New Official Coin is now available!
Hear the details at the Thursday breakfast.
Post 1799 Honor Walks Program
Post Commander Carlos Collat appointed following Legionnaires for 2023-2024
  • ​Fund Raising Chairman - Carlos Collat
  • Membership Status Chairman - Rob Brock 
  • Event Coordination Chairman - John Lyver
  • Nomination Committee Chairman - Rob Brock
  • Blood Drive Chairman - Rich Bohmer
  • Boys/Girls State Representative - Irwin Lazar
  • Info Website Chairman - Bob Wyman
  • Finance Committee Chairman - Buddy Wagner
  • Willing Warrior Chairman - Chuck Berge
  • Get Out The Vote POC  - Lee Chambers
  • High School Jr. ROTC Representative - David Shuler
  • POW-MIA POC - Ward Nickisch
  • Wreaths Across America Event POC - Art Ladenburg
  • Wreaths Across America Sales POC - John Lyver
  • Logistics POC - Ernie Whitehouse
  • Parade Vehicles POC - Chuck Berge
  • Vettes for Vets POC - Chuck Berge
  • Sweats for VA Vets POC - Dennis Corrigan
  • DC Band Concert POC - Jeff Arwood

American Legion Post 1799 had a booth with volunteer Legionnaires to interact with the public and to support other veterans.  15 July 2023. "Vettes For Vets!"
Larry Zilloux's podcast - Listen at Transcript "Speaker 12: 10:12" for our Post Interview.
14 July 2023, Missing in America Event              Quantico National Cemetery, 
26 August Presentation of "Post 1799 Legionnaire of the Year (2022/23) to Post Service Officer Jay Little (on left) by Post Commander Carlos Collat.
Honor Flights out of Dulles International Airport.

    Post 1799 POC is Kevin "Flash" Garcia   [email protected]
Post 1799 Chaplain Chuck Berge cuts the ribbon at the SOWW Pen-Fed Grand Lodge on 18 May 2024.
Post Cdr Carlos Collat presents American Legion awards at the 25 April 2024 Battlefield High School AFJROTC Awards Night.