Business Listings
Post Service Officer
Ladies Auxiliary
Post Authors I
Post Authors II
Post Authors III

Assistance to Veterans and Their Families  We provide assistance to Veterans and their spouses to ensure they receive benefits and entitlements which they earned through service. This is accomplished by assisting with filing claims and follow-up with the Veterans Administration and state agencies.  POC: Jay Little.

Participation in Haymarket Day & Parade  We participate in this annual community event with an information booth, a marching unit and a VIP car.  POC: Carlos Collat.

Poppies & Flags for Veterans  On Memorial Day and Veterans Day, we participate in the American Legion tradition of distributing "little red poppies" 7 miniature flags to honor Veterans. The poppies are symbolic of Flanders' Field, a WWI U.S. cemetery in Belgium.  POC: Carlos Collat.

Manassas Veterans Day Parade  We participate with a banner & marching unit and a VIP Car in the region's largest Veterans Day Parade. This is to honor all who served America in uniform.  POC: Carlos Collat.

Patriot Cruise & Salute  We participate by assisting handicapped Veterans board and enjoy boat rides and participating in a Service recognition event at the Prince William Marina, Woodbridge Virginia.  POC: Carlos Collat.

Virginia Grand Military Band Concerts  We assist handicapped Veterans enjoy several yearly concerts held annually at the Rachel L. Schlesinger Concert Hall and Arts Center in Alexandria, Virginia.  POCs:  Jeff Arwood & Rob Brock.

Sponsor Students to Boys State and Girls State   Annually, we select delegates from Battlefield and Patriot High Schools based on the applicant’s academic performance, interest in civics, and commitment to public & community service. These week-long National American Legion programs provide attendees knowledge of the rights, privileges, duties, and responsibilities of citizenship.  POC:  Irwin Lazar.

Get Out The Vote (GOTV)  This American Legion program highlights a critical right of every American Veteran. We served when our country called. We still serve by voting to uphold our freedoms and our Constitution. GOTV program is active in out-reach and aggressively reminds Veterans to Vote!  POC: Lee Chambers.

Post Blood Drive  We co-sponsor a semi-annual Red Cross Blood Drives for the community. These very successful blood drives are critical to meet the need for medical procedures.  POC: Rich Bohmer.

Sweats for Va Vets   In November we collect new sweat suits (or monetary donations) for presentation to hospitalized Veterans in the Veteran Hospitals in Virginia. Many Veterans do not have comfortable clothing while in the hospital for extended periods. These sweats provide a comfortable and easy-to-care-for alternative.  POC:  Dennis Corrigan.

Cyber Security Awareness for Families   We provide information pamphlets to residents, libraries, and schools The goal is to provide info for possible publication on a regular basis. addressing best practices, dangers, and awareness when using the internet.  POC:  Bob Wyman.

Media Articles on Vets  We provide information, interviews and photo opportunities to local media outlets (newspapers & magazines) on projects being undertaken by the Post.  POC: Carlos Collat.

Support to local Warrior Retreat  Members of our Post volunteer in many ways to support Serve Our Willing Warrior Retreat Center in Haymarket in their mission of providing cost-free retreat stays and other programs that positively impact the lives of our wounded warriors and their families. POC: Chuck Berge

Support to Battlefield HS Air Force JROTC  We support this program and their Cadets in working cadet recognition events. We are proud in assisting the Cadets become responsible, patriotic citizens willing to serve our country.  POC: Carlos Collat.

Wreaths Across America  We actively support this national program by sponsoring and helping place wreaths on Veteran graves in mid-December at the local Stonewall Memory Gardens Cemetery. It is our way of honoring our predecessors through the Wreaths Across America slogan of “Remember – Honor –Teach.”  POC:  John Lyver.

Respect Our Fallen Vets  In partnership with the Stonewall Memory Garden Cemetery, we host fund-raising to have 20 Veteran unmarked grave sites be incrementally afforded name plaques. This is an-going multi-year program involving several local participating Haymarket and Manassas volunteer organizations.  POC: Rich Martin.

Youth Cadet Law Enforcement  In partnership with the Virginia State Police selected high school students are provided an opportunity to experience firsthand what it takes to become a law enforcement officer in a week-long academy in Richmond.  POC: Carlos Collat.

Vets for Vets  In the interest of promoting new post membership, we are assisting all new joining members by paying up to $20 of their initial year entry dues.  POC: Carlos Collat.

Vets, Youths & Wings  We provide an informal appreciation of the basics elements of flight to promote an awareness of aviation overall to elementary school students.  POC: Carlos Collat.

Support to Hero’s Bridge  We respond to requests by the Hero’s Bridge organization in their requests in assisting disabled veterans to and from local medical appointments.  POC: Carlos Collat.

Adopt A Highway  We partner with Battlefield High School’s USAF Jr ROTC in maintaining a designated stretch of Rt 15 for an overall clean and neat appearance.  POC:  Carlos Collat.

Authors/Speakers  We provide speakers from within Post 1799 on their experiences and personal writings concerning exploits of veterans while deployed overseas.   POC:  Carlos Collat.

Community Vet Support   We visit and assist veterans that are temporarily housed in local rehab centers in their attempts to being released and on their own again.  POC:  Carlos Collat.

Flag Events  We attend and assist where necessary in local community flag events with priority focused on six annual events conducted at the Regency Estates.  POC:  Don Blake.

Missing in America  We attend the Missing in America (MIA) internments of veterans who have no attendant family presence. POC: Ward Nickisch.

Support for the Sojourners  We support with funding the sojourners during Christmas as they in turn support needy veterans during the holidays.  POC: Carlos Collat.

Vettes 4 Vets  We support the annual auto show of Corvettes in a fundraiser for the Willing Warrior Retreat in the July timeframe.  POC: Chuck Berge.

Fellowship 4 Vets  We hold a weekly get-together at the local Gainesville IHOP facility on Thursdays at 0930am to maintain and promote a sense of ever-increasing camaraderie for the veterans and members of Post 1799.  POC:  Carlos Collat.

The remaining 4 projects involve launching a Post Oratorical Contest events with the nearby high schools, support to the Puller Rehab Center, the DC Honor Flights (POC: Kevin Garcia) and the local Post Honor Walks.