Boys/Girls State 2012
Boys/Girls State 2011
Veterans Parade, Manassas 2011
Post Oratorical Contest - 2012
Post Membership Meeting 
18 March 2012
2012 Honor Flight Program for WWII Veterans

Business Listings
Post Service Officer
Ladies Auxiliary
Post Authors I
Post Authors II
Post Authors III

Post Membership Meeting 23 June 2012:  Post Elections & Swearing in Post Officers
Post Membership Meeting Presentation by 4H Trigger Time Shooting Club
(Post 1799 Sponsored)  
23 June 2012

Adjutant's Christmas Party, 15 Dec 2011
Plenty of food, drink & good cheer!
Contributions to Haymarket Pantry
Post Membership Meeting 11 May 2013
Post Elections & Swearing in Post Officers

State Senator Dick Black spoke on veterans issues. Dick is a former Marine and retired Army officer.  
11 May 2013
Post Cdr Mike High receives congratulations for "Outstanding Post Commander, Northern Region" 2013 award from Supervisor Pete Candland. Award was presented at 2013 Department Convention.
National Commander James Koutz with Post 1799 Delegation at Post 10, 1 April 2013
16Jan14 Post 1799 Oratorical Contest at Battlefield High School
Our 2014 three winners and 
five community judges
Our Legionnaires who supported the Contest with the 2014 winners.
Our Post ladies who escorted our contest students: Ms. Hill, Ms. Hillon, Ms. Schortemeyer, Ms. Wyman
Oratory 2014 Student Winners, from right to left:  1st Place Kirsten Whitney, 2nd Place Will Laingen, 3rd Place Griffen Hedrick
2013 Post 1799 Oratorical Contest Winners
Haymarket Day 2013
L to R: John Shortemeyer (Post 1799), Richard Wagner, William Laingen, Emma Boyd, Robert Drummond, Hyejune Limb, Sofia McDaniel, Elizabeth Finnan, Lauren Reheuser, Matthew Tschida, Bob and Jane Wyman (Post 1799)
2014 Boys/Girls State Winners
Charles Hillon and Irwin Lazar support Post 158, Ron Bantom in the selection of Patriot High School Boys and Girls State Candidates. L to R: Charles Hillon, Ron Bantom (Post 158), Adam Tucker, Kalea Obermeyer, Mr. Patrick Weaver (Patriot HS College and Career Counselor)
Battlefield HS judges and awardees, L to R: Bob Wyman, John Mitchell, Steven McCleskey, Lauren Ainslie, Blake Pagan, Georgia Matthews, Chanwoo Kim, Jane Wyman, Charles Hillon.
2015 Boys/Girls State Winners
L to R: Natalie Graser, Carter Greis, Phillip Choi, Thomas Muldowney, Kelly Isbell, Matthew Brandt, Irene Kim, Stephanie Reheuser, Bonnie Laingen, Claire Haynes, Kelsey Ainslie 
2016 Boys/Girls State Winners
Celebrated at 13 June 2024 Post 1799 breakfast!  Legionnaire Dulce Parker organized the event.